".one-month here."
it has been a long time for me
not to update my blOg
and at last, i DID!!
first of all, i want to
say that i MISS
my parents, friends, all of you T_T
and i have a lot of
things to share for sure..hahaha
my 1st week here seemed to
be a hard week for me..i felt that
it was a very long long long week..don't
know why..hha..and i just like
wanna cry every time my i heard my parents
voice, maybe that what we called
as "homesick"..
the following week,
everything was very fast for me..
hhe =]
there are a lot of things that
i wanna share with you all actually
and maybe this time is the
longest i ever write..hha
but i think you'll
feel bored so i just
show you some picts with some
notes below them..enjoy!!
with other indon'scholarz in victoria st. going to
have medical check up in raffles hospital =]

trip to kampoeng glam, a malay kampoeng,
this pict was taken in front of 'mesjid sultan'
and the most exciting part this time
was that I found a minang restaurant here!!!
i ate many indon's food, i'm lovin' it!!
and the cashier is an indonesian toO..hha

the temple when we visited 'little india'

it was FIONA!!
she looked really SWEET in
her 'sari' , indian traditional costume.
[ alvinna's (top) ; mine (bottom);
shelvia's (left) ; eveline's (right) ]
we have hanna art (if i have not mistaken =b)
in the market there
they will draw some arts in your hands
like flowers, leaves etc.
love it very much! they're so cute XD
it was "dressed-up" day
the theme was : grand ball..
we all were divides into groups
and asked to dress-up a girl
in your group with newspaper,
some colour papers, and
you have to be as imaginative as you can.
wow..and you were only given one hour time!!
and next, i was chosen as the girl in my group, aaaaaaaarrgghh +_+
i couldn't imagine what i looked like that time..terrible..hha
but I felt very HAPPY!!
you know where it is?it's orchard rd.
you can see that it's
decorated with the christmas
and here comes the part
that I enjoy the most..
its my new school !!!!
in uniforms
galz, wad do u think 'bout it, huh?

now, i'm having my bridging course
in s'pore chinese girls' school..
well, so far, i can get along
with my new vietnamese and
chinese friends well =]
in the other hand ,
i do really miss my friends
in my old school
and want to wish you all
gud luck for your exams!!!!
do your best =p
cyaaaa ^_^