never heard about it?
so let's talk about it =P haha
I am in my school handbells choir CCA >.<>
I felt so great when I knew that I passed the audition.
I don't even think about it seriously as I saw that many
of my friends were playing quite well during the audition.
Today is my first day to attend the CCA. I felt so curious, happy, bla...bla...bla...
I thought that I am going to practice today, but what actually happened was that we have
orientation for the whole three hours. Eemm, quite nice...but I want to try to play the bells!!!
We played games, have snacks time, chit-chat, mingled around, having fun, introduction by
the teacher-in-charge, Ms Lau, and two coaches, Ms Tay and Ms Goh. They showed
us some video on handbells perfomances in the other other parts of the world.
And guess what? one of them was really really really wonderful, amazing, grocious, great XD
there are 4 scholars who join handbells, mE >.<, stephanie roselin hartato (indo), stephanie cheng de castillo (pilipino) and gao yu qi (china)
Although today is a such tiring day for me as most of my homework due today T_T and i got 2 tests today, e-math and english tests, but I feel happy because my CCA is waiting for me after school =)
probably i will post some picts about handbells next time. so, cyaa --_--v