Having been away from the blogging world for almost two months bcs of my tight schedules (really?! well, anw, just put it that way hahahaha) has made me missing the-jotting-down-nonsense-activity so much that I have decided to die die must blog during my ten-days holiday.
Honestly speaking, my third year shs life is not that much fun as my second's. No reasons to be revealed. But the exciting part is that there's a number of SEVENTEENth parties awaiting and the most worrying part that I am very sure that most girls worry too : DRESS. I sometimes have no idea of what to wear to Z's party bcs I had ever wore those dresses to A's-Y's. Seriously, I firstly thought that I was the only girl in the world who had that kind thinking and to my surprise, my girls also thought that way. The main reason why, is that those parties are actually having the same GUESTS! That's it. This thought actually came to me when I was doing my daydreaming = they, the guests, wouldn't actually remember what you wore and they simply had it forgotten the following day unless they were your special ones, they, would definitely remember it. Do you get what I mean? Well, only those who are perhaps your best friends or even your boyfriends! are the ones who will absolutely remember what your outfits are in certain events.
These are what I have been into during these two months :
1) I am getting used to my new class and getting along quite well with my new classmates.
2) My new desk-mate is a kind chum and surprisingly, we share a lot that I have never been expected, food, life, fashion, ppl's attitudes are inside our list! Nevertheless, I have been always dreaming of sitting back with my 3-years-and-no-one-can-ever-replace-her junior high school desk mate.
3) I am not getting any fatter although I have been eating like monsters.
Then I am thinking like : is it a gift??
but my grandma,aunties,uncles,maids,teachers,neighbours (only the first three are true) HAHAHA keep complaining that I am too thin and need to eat some more. Then, if I have been eating like monsters, do I have to eat like dinosaurs perhaps? <--- don't take it seriously ppl HAHAHAHAHA
4) I love to have a part-time job but my tight schedule fails me to do so. Let say I can, I'd love to become a teacher, teaching nursery little cutie kiddos or teaching in some language courses. Apparently my wish ended up me selling handmade hair accessories (read : bows) to my friends. It was firstly my hobby to make handmade bows that my friends also started to order some. Well, why not? But honestly, this has actually been a very time-consuming one.
5) My gank (cooler, huh?) and I dressed up in red and white on August 17th celebrating Indonesian 65TH Independence Day and one of my friend's birthday which fell on the same day. We rock all day long although it rained during our half-way to my friend's house, intending to give her a surprise. Here are some cool picts taken during our mission-possible :D