Tossing aside my accounting books and starting to jot down nonsense? :)
Few words to give you some clues for my most hectic month, uhm, this week has ultimately caused me lacking of sleep that my cough and influenza are not any better from last week. Tight schedules keep me as busy as an one-armed paperhanger. So, why do I call it hectic? First is because that I needed to rush over my pending requirements for my uni application and I eventually decided to send it by next month. Second, I had to review all my so-called music test papers in one week, hate composing urrgh. Third, I suffered from this GREAT cough and influenza for weeks and that they had utterly successfully amazingly ruined my days! Lastly, is my second monthly test at school and today is the fourth day, and uhm doing not so good at those as I find that I am nodding off easily these days and longing aloud for my comfiest bed. Consequently, I can hardly find time to practice recently. But ANYWAY, I still have to live my life to the fullest yes yes? GOGOGOGOGOGOGO!! :D you all too, get up and tell yourself you are not all alone here in the world, it takes two to tango, remember? If they don't show up, go find them! :)
Other than that, I am now feeling not right inside. It really makes me sick. Now I realize how is it to be living in dubiety. Oh well. Up in the air, like jugglers in a freeze-frame — John Updike