Think more widely or try to be an open-minded person. I am not saying that to be a conventional thinker is not good but, see, it is better for us to have ever gone through everything. Like what one of my tutors had ever told me.
"Miss, so, what books are good to be read? Please recommend me some of them."
"Read all books, Anita."
"Because all books are good."
Now, I start to understand the meaning behind it. She wanted me to read all books so that I could actually differentiate which were the good-better-best ones and also the bad-worse-worst ones. Beyond that, we can also try to apply the same system in life, to learn anything while we can. Anything.
It can be said that I am lucky enough to have been living or dealing with different communities, different people, where I can see on how they react, solve and face problems differently. That has turned me into a different girl. The main point is, I have begun to see the positive sides of what I used to think as bad ones. And, sadly, I have also begun to see the negative sides of what I used to think as the GOOD ones. Oh well.
I am going to share quotes-maybe some of you have known them-but i'm sure some others haven't.
"No friendship is perfect in this life. There are only people who try their best to maintain it."
Truth to be told, this is what I have been doing all these times. Although sometimes I am feeling like giving up, but, friends, please never do that.
"Don't seek for happiness because its your own choice to whether be happy or not"
I totally agree with this saying! Be happy, people! Don't be thrown into your own so-called sorrow-hole (sounds like black hole, heh? HAHAHAHA) too deep that you are caught in the middle of nowhere. This brings back to the main topic, life, you will never survive this life without a companion. Thus, go tell, share, shout, chat with your family members or friends if you have problems. It can at least help you to have yourself relieved in some ways.
However, there are situations where we really can't tell anyone about our problems. Probably the only thing that you can do is to calm yourself at the mean time, try to see things from different angles, from different perspectives I mean and positively for sure. Then, tell if you think it is the right time to.