Stuck in only one place bores me stiff. I mean when I am stuck in a place my whole life. I sometimes dream to live in various places in the world. Like for example, uhm, canada? Or maybe paris or hangzhou? OMG! isn't that effin cool. Lemme tell you, Hangzhou is an exquisite city with picturesque views in town!
Singapore, it leaves me a zillion magnificent experiences and amazing moments, warmly engraved in heart. It is very very sad to be apart from my dearest friends, especially the entwined twelve, MISS YOU GIRLS! Have a great JC life everyone :) GOGOGOGOGOGO!!

Jakarta is where you can find me in the later few years. Pursuing a higher education, majoring in music teaching with piano as major instrument. Doubt is still there on my mind whether I have chosen the right department but there it is, I have to face it no matter what. Failures always make excuses, remember? Just wish me goodluck guys! :) Wishing ye'al goodluck too!
It's freaking pathetic to know that only 3 weeks left and I am gonna miss you guys like real a lot. Moreover, you guys will be scattered all over the world so just don't forget to keep in touch, alright? Oh my god, I can feel the sense of liquid on my eyelids now! :'( I bet everyone will be crying in the forthcoming farewell party, we aren't sad but we weep for joy for what we have gone through together for years. However, like what one of my friends has mentioned on her post that this is not the end, it's just another beginning. So, strive for the best fellas!

P.S : April in just another 4 days! I start to love April from this second on and I know why! Je t'aime ♥