it named 'panti asuhan sungai air hidup'..
it has 70 orphans n 10 caretakers..
the orphanage is 2 floor orphanage, quite big, and has a hall toassembled in..the orphans' old range is from 10 months old to 20+ years is a mix orphanage, there're boys n girls..
when everybody had arrived, the kids had assembled in the hall to welcome us..then the kids started to sing some songs n we all clapped our hands..plok....plok.....plok......hha....after that, we all got into a room to listen to the head of the orphanage's speech..then the for the next 2 hours, we had our lunch and we played some games..we're divided into 6 groups, we're all excited and happy!!!
>> when we all <<
got outside to play
games >.< happy!!
i felt happy because we can share our happiness with them..then we got surprise for the kids who had their birthday this month..first, we called out their names, and we asked them :
"dek, td pg adek ad buat slh ga?? hayoo, ngaku...." haha..then from a room some 'se qu' n 'se fo' had a medium size cake on their hands..
"happy birthday to you..happy birthday to you.."
the kids were surprised..haha..then as a closing, we, tzu ching, sang "kita satu keluarga" in the middle of their big circle..
this my 1st visit to an orphanage..i thought that the orphans're so independent n so strong to deal with their life without their parents by their side..we..who had complete parents, had to love n care our parents coz we're given chance already..n who doesn't have can show their love n care to their surrounding people..we all live in the same land, in the same world, so we have to love n care 'bout everybody in the world, no matter old/young, no matter poor/rich..I hope that I can go there again someday =]
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