So, the clock now is about to strike eleven. Can't doze off yet. So pissed off knowing that I blog right now bcs mood boosted up by this misterpiraten. Another good news is that, I succeed! in freezing my feeling (don't know how long this will be going on) HAHAHA. Congrats me :D I let go of everything and feel so light, yet I am still trying so hard to never look back. Guys, just let go of what's not yours. It will, by the time it stays by your side for long. Journey is just about to begin.
And yes, another very goodgoodgood news is that I am officially off from my braces! :D
My little tweet especially for you :
"Here comes the end. I know I shd let you go one day. Thanking you fr hurting n colouring up my life. Oops, my teeth I mean! Bye, braces. :D"
Bet some of you might think of a guy or sth, no, it's my lovey dovey ex-braces LOL miss you! <3
64 hours more! and I'll be there fighting against my feeling to actually burst into tears. No! I wouldn't. Let's see! :)
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